เฉลยภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง 2000-1202

ระดบั ชัน้ ...........ปวช1................................สาขางาน ชฟ.1,ชช.1,ชย.1,ชก.1,บช.1,ทศ.1,กต.1,รร1,ชอ1..

ครผู ้สู อน.....นางสาวกาญจนา นาพิมพ์........................ข้อสอบจานวน.............................หน้า
ข้อสอบมีจานวน............................. ขอ้ เวลา........................นาที
คาชแี้ จง 1. ใหท้ าขอ้ สอบทั้งหมดลงในกระดาษคาตอบ

2. ข้อสอบท้งั หมดเปน็ ขอ้ สอบปรนยั แบบเลือกตอบ จานวน................. ข้อ
คาสงั่ ให้กาเครอ่ื งหมาย ลงในช่องคาตอบท่ีเห็นว่าถูกตอ้ งท่สี ดุ เพียงช่องเดยี ว

Direction: Choose the best answer

1. What’s your full name?

a. I’m Lek. b. It’s Saewong. c. I’m Teeratep. d. I’m Mike.

2. When were you born? I was born _____________

a. on Monday. b. On July,18 c. On 1998. d. In May,16

3. What do you do?

a. I’m studying English. b. I’m Thai.
d. I’m fine, thanks.
c. I’m a teacher.

4. How many persons are there in your family?

a. They are in Singburi. b. My brother and sister.
d. 5 persons
c. Not too many

5. Do you have any telephone numbers?

a. Yes, I am. b. No, I am not.
d. No, I do.
c. Yes, I do.

6. What’s your e-mail address?

a. 081-9065843 b. www.facebook.com
d. [email protected]
c. [email protected]

7. How tall are you? I’m _______________ tall.

ขอ้ สอบวชิ า ภาษาองั กฤษในชีวติ จริง 1 รหสั วชิ า 2000-1201 จานวนท้งั หมด....40.....ข้อ หนา้ 3

a. 170 cm b. 160 mm

c. 160 Kgs d. 170 Kms

8. What’s your _______________ ? I’m Canadian.

a. religion b. weight

c. Country d. nationality

9. A : I’m Islam, and what about your _______________?

a. name b. date of birth

c. address d. religion

10. Mr., Mrs. And Miss are ________________.

a. full name b. surname

c. title d. nickname

11. Piyamart meets Pratya in the morning, she says………………………….

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening d. good night

12. I say ………………… when someone does something for me.

a. I’m fine b. Thank you c. good night d. Nice to meet you

13. A : Hello Jay, how are you doing?

B : ……………………………………

a. I’m studying English b. Not too bad, thank you

c. Hello, how do you do? d. See you later

14. A : Good morning. I’m Sumej How do you do?

B : Good morning. I’m Sunee …………………………

a. Nice to meet you b. Nice to meet you too.

c. How do you do? d. How are you doing?

15. A : Hello. My name is Suksan. Nice to meet you.

B : Hi. I’m Titikom …………………………………

a. Nice to meet you too b. Nice to meet you too

c. How have you been doing? d. I’m fine, thank you

16. A : Hello. I don’t think we’ve met …………………………………

B : Hi. I’m Sutinan. Glad to meet you.

a. I’m Jennifer Kim. b. Nice to meet you too

c. How do you do? d. See you later

17. A : Where are you from, Ms Chaba?

B : ………………………………………..

a. I work for Toyota Company b. I’m from Bangkok, Thailand.

c. I’m suwipa Nanan d. I’d like to introduce myself

18. A : Sam, This is my friend, Sumittra.

B : ………………………………………..

ข้อสอบวิชา ภาษาองั กฤษในชวี ติ จริง 1 รหสั วชิ า 2000-1201 จานวนทัง้ หมด....40.....ข้อ หน้า 4

a. Hello , Sam b. Hello, my friend

c. Hello, Sumittra d. Hello, everybody

A : Hello. My name is Robert Alberto. Please call me Bob. I’m from California,


B : Hello. ……(19)……. I’m from Vientiane, Laos.

A : Sorry , what is your first name again?

B : It’s ………………(20)…………………………..

19. a. How are you? b.I’m Azeya Jemong.

c. plaesse to meet you? d. I’d like to tell you

20. a. Ro – bert b. Al-ber-to

c. A – ze – ya d. Je-mong

21. My height is ……………………

a. 180 centimeters b. 2012

c. in June d. 70 kilograms

22. A : what is your ………………. ?

B : Buddhist.

a. race b. nationality

c. address d. religion

23. Do you know her ……………….. is surfing the internet.

a. hobby b. hometown

c. address d. race

24. A : When were you born?

a. In Bangkok b. in May

c. At 8 o’clock d. hometown

25. What do you do, Ms Parisa?

a. I’m an engineer. b. I’m reading a book

c. I’m going to the market d. I’m Thai

26. Excuse me, are you married?

a. No, I won’t b. Yes, I am.

c. Yes, I do. d. No, I don’t.

27. A : Why do you want to apply for this position?

B : Because it’s …………………………………..

a. challenging b. exciting

c. boring d. frightening

28. Where do you live now?

a. At Minburi apartment b. I live with my friend

c. By minibus d. On April 15, 1985

29. A : Do you have any work experiences?

ขอ้ สอบวชิ า ภาษาอังกฤษในชวี ิตจรงิ 1 รหัสวชิ า 2000-1201 จานวนท้ังหมด....40.....ข้อ หน้า 5

B : ……………………… b. I ever worked for Mazda center service.
a. I am American d. I graduated I Marketing field
c. I come from Trang province.
b. I ‘m studying in business computer
30. A : What’s your education background? d. I ever worked for Toyota
a. I’m a technician
c. I graduated in bachelor degree.

กระดาษคาตอบ รายวชิ า ภาษาองั กฤษในชวี ิตจริง 2000-1201

ชื่อ...............................................................................แผนก........................ห้อง.......... ............