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Heedfulness is the way to the Deathless;
Heedlessness is the way to death.
The heedful do not die;
The heedless are like unto the dead

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Realizing this distinction,
The wise rejoice in heedfulness,
Which is the way of the Noble.

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Of him who is energetic, mindful,
Pure in deed, considerate, self-restrained,
Who lives the Dharma and who is heedful,
Reputation steadily increase.

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By diligence, vigilance,
Restraint and self-mastery,
Let the wise make for himself an island
That no flood can overwhelm.

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The ignorant, foolish folk
Indulge in heedlessness,
But the wise preserve heedfulness
As their greatest treasure.

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Devote not yourselves to negligence;
Have no intimacy with sensuous delights.
The vigilant, meditative person
Attain sublime bliss.

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When banishing carelessness by carefulness,
The sorrowless, wise one ascends the terrace of wisdom,
And surveys the ignorant, sorrowing folk
As one standing on a mountain the grounding.

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By vigilance it was that
Indra attained th lordship of the gods.
Earnestness is ever praised,
Carelessness is ever despised.

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The bhikkhu who delights in earnestness
And discerns dangers in negligence,
Advances, consuming all fetters,
Like fire burning fuel, both small and great.

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The bhikkhu who delights in earnestness
And discerns dangers in negligence,
Is not liable to fall away;
He is certainly in the presence of Nibbana.





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